Possession of Ecstasy Laws in Illinois

Ecstasy is the street name for MDMA. In Illinois, it is against the law to be in possession of any amount of Ecstasy. The criminal penalties for Possession of Ecstasy in Illinois can be found at 720 ILCS 570/402. The possession of any amount of Ecstasy is a felony. Since there is no accepted medical use for Ecstasy, it is considered a Schedule 1 drug in Illinois. A Schedule 1 drug is a drug that has a high potential for abuse and has no accepted medical use. Generally, almost all recreational drugs are considered Schedule 1 drugs in Illinois.

Possible Penalties of Possession of Ecstasy

The possible penalties for Possession of Ecstasy depend on the amount of Ecstasy seized. The possible penalties are broken down as follows:

0-15 Tablets – Class 4 felony with a possible prison sentence of between 1 to 3 years.  Probation is possible.

15-200 Tablets – Class 1 felony with a mandatory minimum of 4 to 15 years in prison.  Probation is not available.

200-600 Tablets – Class 1 felony with a mandatory minimum of 8 to 40 years in prison.  Probation is not available.

Over 1500 Tablets – Class 1 felony with a mandatory minimum of 10 to 50 years in prison.  Probation is not available.

Possible Penalties for Delivery of Ecstasy

If you are caught with a large amount of Ecstasy you may be charged with Delivery of Ecstasy. The penalties for Delivery of Ecstasy can be found at 720 ILCS 570/401. Delivery of as little as half a tablet of Ecstasy can carry a mandatory minimum 3 year prison sentence. Distribution of 15 tablets or more of Ecstasy is considered a Class X felony which carries a mandatory minimum prison sentence of 6 to 30 years without the possibility of probation.

Why Hire John D. Ioakimidis for Your Ecstasy Case?

We understand the stress and difficulties you are facing with your criminal case. If you hire us we will give you our personal cell phone number. If you have any questions you can call us directly. Answering your questions is our responsibility as your lawyer. We will guide you through the legal process and make sure you understand what is happening and why. We will explain to you what we are doing and what the reasons for our actions are. We want to work with you to make sure we get the best result for you.

Since 2002, a number of highly publicized deaths among teenagers has occurred as a result of Ecstasy. Since then the Illinois legislature has taken a number of steps that have dramatically increased the penalties for Ecstasy related offenses. Because of the drastic consequences that can be imposed for a conviction related to the possession of Ecstasy, it is critical that you hire an attorney that understands the law that applies to such crimes and has the experience and proven track record to provide you with an effective and powerful defense to these serious criminal charges.

Our experienced criminal defense attorneys will use their many years of experience to explore every possible option to win your case. We know what we are doing. We will devote our time and our efforts to do all we can to help you stay out of jail and defend you in Court.

If you are facing Ecstasy charges in Cook County, DuPage County, Lake County or Kane Countygive us a call.  We Can Help.